
31 October 2010

Let's get this out of the way already.

I've been vegetarian since age 16. It's been 12.5 years. Two years ago, I started dating this vegan boy. It didn't last, but I did go vegan for about three months. I felt better, I had more energy, I lost weight, and I felt good, just plain good all the time. I went back to ovo-lacto for a year or so, but I just never felt as good as I did when I was vegan. One thing that did stick was my love for cooking my own meals and exploring vegan baking. I went back to being primarily vegan, but sometimes when I travel, I find it easier to do my best, but not beat myself up if I can't eat entirely vegan.

This is where I chronicle all the awesome vegan things I make and eat, just in time for VeganMoFo 2010.

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