
09 November 2010

MoFo Day 9! Chickpea Noodle Soup

I caught a cold over the weekend, so I’ve been hopped up on cold medicine since Sunday. Yesterday was bad--runny nose, stuffy sinuses, mild headache. My nose is still red and chapped from wiping it so much. When I got home from running errands, I had such an intense craving for Veganomicon Chickpea Noodle Soup, but I was too hungry to wait and make it.

Today, I had time. I love, love, love this soup so hard. It’s one of the first recipes I ever tried from the PPK recipe bank. The recipe isn’t on the PPK site since the revamp, but if you don’t already own Veganomicon, you need to buy it. NEED. Just do it. Not just for this soup, but for the general awesomeness.

This is one of my all-time favorite soups, and fall is the ultimate soup season. Even before I got sick, I knew I wanted to make it soon, but it’s so perfect when I’m under the weather. It’s warm and flavorful, simple and comforting without being unnecessarily complicated. It’s almost, almost worth getting sick.

ETA: D'oh! I was eating a bowl this afternoon, and realized that I'd forgotten to add the kale I usually add to this soup. I knew something wasn't quite right. It's delicious either way, but I do kind of miss the kale now that I know.


  1. Can you believe I've had V'Con for nearly two years and never made that?? You've convinced me now, it's on my must-make list!

  2. I've never made this recipe either (and I do have that book) it looks delicious!
