Last week, some douchenozzle broke the passenger’s window in my roommate’s car while she was at work. She didn’t have a day off until Friday, so she couldn’t get it replaced until then. We got a lead on a place that could fix it for cheap, but it was waaaaaay west. Like, in the ghetto west. C set out for the body shop, but after about 20 minutes, she called me. She’d gotten a little skeeved out, turned around and asked if I would go with her. I agreed, because who wants to drive to ghetto alone. Honestly, it wasn’t that bad, but I could kind of see where she was coming from.
Anyway. On the way back, I asked if we could take a quick pitstop to Whole Foods. I saw a post about BLTs the other day on someone’s blog, and then the next day, my roommate had a TLT, with smoked tofu instead of bacon. I had everything I needed to make my very first BLT, except Vegenaise, and I didn’t know where else to get it. When we finally got home, I made and ate my first BLT. I didn’t take a picture or post it that day, because I was so hungry that I totally forgot. Apparently, I’d also forgotten that I bought a jar of Vegenaise a while ago, and it was still in the fridge. I couldn’t remember how long ago I bought it, but it smelled and tasted fine.
Yesterday, I was so busy making a bunch of cupcakes for tonight’s ‘We Miss KK Potluck’, that I forgot about dinner. I could have heated up a bowl of soup, but I didn’t feel like it. That first BLT was so delicious, I wanted to recreate it.
So, a little tempeh bacon, some thick slices of roma tomato and Vegenaise make a delectable BLT. But the L is missing. I never keep lettuce in the house--I much prefer spinach as my everyday green. So, I guess I still haven’t had a BLT, but a tBST. I’m pretty sure the sandwich police don’t care.
Sorry about your roomies window. Some douchenozzle did that to me a while ago too. Sucks. Love vegennaise and BLTs.