
12 November 2010

MoFo Day 12! Peanut Butter Pillows

Oh, boy.

Ever since I first bought Vegan Cookies Invade Your Cookie Jar, I've wanted to make the Peanut Butter Pillows. The picture in the book looks soooooo delicious, and peanut butter and chocolate is probably my favorite cookie combination. Shit. It's probably favorite flavor combination ever. Why have I waited so long to make these?

Oh, right. I'm lazy. But these were way easier than I expected. And they are superdelicious. I especially like the peanut butter innards. I think I might make some peanut butter cups with them at some point.


  1. I can't believe I still don't have that book! They look and sound awesome.

  2. These have to be one of my all-time fave cookies. Not just from VCIYCJ, but of *all time*!
