
14 November 2010

MoFo Day 14! Oatmeal with Caramelized Bananas

In the morning, I want to eat things that don’t take much effort. Like, I like things that basically take zero effort. Toast and oatmeal are about as close to zero effort as I get. Last night, Fred & I went to the grocery store, and I got some bananas. I love bananas. They’re one of my favorite foods and an integral ingredient of my hangover cure.

I wasn’t hungover this morning, but when I stumbled to the kitchen and saw the bananas, I knew I wanted bananas and oatmeal. I zoomed back to my bedroom and looked up if frying bananas was possible. It is. It is also delicious.

I chopped up a banana and threw it with some Earth Balance and pan-fried it for a few minutes, until it started to brown a bit. Sauteeing the banana made it nice and soft, but also subtly sweeter. The saltiness of the EB helped to balance the extra sweetness. With a little raw sugar, maple syrup and pecans, this was some excellent oatmeal.

1 comment:

  1. Great idea! I love oatmeal too, but sometimes I get bored. I'm definitely gonna try this!!
